Why Should Your Business Website Be Built by an Expert?

A common question that most businesses ask, is: “Why should I pay an expert to build my business website when I can do it by using a variety of inexpensive/free online tools?”. With a variety of available online tools and platforms that can assist you with a website, how does these tools compare to an expert web developer? Let’s investigate!

Using an Affordable/Free Online Tool/Platform

There are several free and affordable online tools and platforms on which you can create a website. However, these tools/platforms do not give you complete access to the backend of your website, do not regularly update your website with the latest Google algorithms, and do not deliver comprehensive and continual online marketing solutions for your website. This is where an expert can make a meteoric difference in the way you go about developing your business website.

Using an affordable or free online tool will give you a variety of “themes” and prebuilt website templates to choose from. This can be limiting, especially when you want an e-Commerce site that allows users to directly buy your products and services from your website. From a professional point of view, you would rather want to consult with an expert web developer and tell them what you want from your website as opposed to struggling to get something to work the way you want to from a prebuilt template.

Trust Your Expert

The fact that various AI/LLM tools are flooding the online marketing sector should not deter you from utilising an expert web developer and online marketing agency. There are several chatbots, such as ChatGPT 4, that can be used for copywriting. However, these chatbots do not compare to a human copywriter, as the bots regularly regurgitate content and repeat grammatical errors. The same concept applies to web development and online marketing. Therefore, trust your expert – they know what they are doing.

When consulting an expert on the specific website that your business wants, it is always a good idea to come up with a concept before-hand to ensure that you know what you want from your website and build from there. Most people are unsure about how online marketing works and how they can get the most out of their website. This is where your expert can guide you to a feasible solution and find a way to build a website for you that serves your specific needs.

Online Marketing Over the Long Term

Developing and building your website is only the first step to getting the most out of your online endeavours. There are several methods to online marketing that can be utilised once your website is up and running. These methods include SEO to index and improve your organic rankings, Google Ads campaigns, and social media marketing campaigns that all link back to your website.

If you want to take advantage of a professional website that can drive traffic to your business, Laetus Life Consulting offers a comprehensive solution for your business. Ranging from an initial website build all the way through to online marketing experts, you can rest assured that we can deliver accommodating solutions to suit your specific needs. Contact us today if you have any questions about how we can assist your business!

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