Why a Social Media Presence is Important for Your Business

Whether we like to admit it or not, social media platforms are taking over the world at a drastic pace. Not only do we see an increase in adults using social media, but also the new generation that tends to spend more time on a screen – watching TikTok and YouTube videos. We can go into some statistics on the sudden and drastic increase in social media users. However, the bottom line is that your business needs a social media page, portal, or source of content that you can use to directly interact with your followers.

Unfiltered and Brutally Honest

When browsing through your social media feeds, you see unfiltered posts that would sometimes be brutally honest about a product/service. In some cases, businesses try to avoid the brutal honesty about their products/services, whereas the public prefers such a review over something that hides the underlying problems of buying that specific product or using that specific service.

Unfiltered honesty can work to the benefit of your company. If your customers have a good experience with your product/service, they are bound to talk about it on their social media – creating an unparalleled word-of-mouth marketing opportunity for your business. You want to get people talking about your product/service on social media to expand your brand’s reach and draw more people to buy your products/services.

Social Media as a Primary Media Source

The cat is out of the bag regarding controlled media and governments influencing the various public media sources to report only on stories that they want the public to know about – diverting the public’s attention from more important and crucial subjects. Therefore, people are starting to utilise social media platforms as their primary media source – whether it is current news or getting the latest news on their favourite brands, sports, or any other interest.

For your business, the exact same concept applies – where people would rather search for your brand or business on their social media platform of choice to get a proper idea of your business and how you interact with your followers. Your social media interactions can even determine whether users choose to buy your products and trust your services. In the end, your social media pages and content can be used as vital marketing elements to grow your online brand and drive more people to your website.

Direct and Unfiltered Feedback

Social media platforms allow businesses to get direct and unfiltered feedback from their customers and followers. Therefore, you can accurately determine how your audience responds to the content that you put out on social media and what their expectations are for your products/services. In return, you can improve overall customer satisfaction and work towards brand conviction for your business.

When your business grows a loyal following through social media, good things are bound to happen. With new product launches, people will be eager to get the juicy details about your upcoming product and are likely to spread the word by sharing your content for their friends and contacts to see.

Social media has become an undeniable force of media in our society and can be your solution to expand the growth and reach of your brand. If you need social media marketing experts for your business, Laetus Life Consulting is your first choice! Please contact us today for details on how we can assist your business with social media marketing.

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